
Udda by Sara Lövestam
Udda by Sara Lövestam

Udda by Sara Lövestam

One day, on her way home from school, she hears her favorite musician playing her favorite composer's music through a window in a retirement community, and befriends Alvar, an elderly man who was a jazz musician in Stockholm during WWII.

Udda by Sara Lövestam

Steffi is a young girl in 21st century Sweden who survives daily bullying by focusing on her music, especially jazz. Sara Lövestam's first US novel, Wonderful Feels Like This, explores two musicians growing into themselves in two different times, connected by the love of jazz that they share. This is one of the truest universal experiences for us – no matter in what country or what era we come of age. High school is hard or perhaps, more accurately, growing up and finding oneself is hard. A novel that celebrates being a little bit odd, finding your people, and the power of music to connect us.

Udda by Sara Lövestam